In today’s digital age, the use of large language models such as ChatGPT can significantly enhance our daily lives by making tasks simpler and smarter. Just as searching for information on Google has become second nature, interacting with AI tools like ChatGPT is poised to become an essential skill. Here are five ways you can begin to use this powerful tool:

1. A Friendly Explainer for Any Topic in Your Language

One of the most useful applications of LLMs is as an explainer. Simply upload a file or post a link and say, “इसे संक्षेप में लिखें और हिंदी में समझाएं” (Summarize this and explain it in Hindi). You can adjust the level of detail by requesting, “इसे सरल शब्दों में समझाइए” (Explain this in simple terms) or “इसे अधिक विस्तार से समझाएं” (Explain this in more detail).

2. Writing Partner

LLMs excel at drafting letters and documentation. With a simple query like “प्रदूषण के मुद्दे पर प्रकाश डालते हुए विधायक को हिंदी में एक आधिकारिक पत्र लिखें” (Write an official letter in Hindi to the MLA highlighting the issue of pollution), ChatGPT can provide a properly formatted letter. You can also ask it to proofread your writing: “इस नोट में वर्तनी और व्याकरण को सही करें” (Correct the spelling and grammar in this note).

3. Educational Partner

Leverage ChatGPT as a customized tutor by asking, “5वीं कक्षा के छात्र को प्रकाश संश्लेषण की व्याख्या बताएं और 5 प्रश्न दें” (Explain photosynthesis to a 5th-grade student and provide 5 questions). You can interact through voice or text, asking follow-up questions for clarity. It’s like having an expert-level teacher available 24/7, tailored to your needs.

4. Daily Assistance

ChatGPT can serve as your personal assistant for everyday tasks. From scheduling and setting reminders to making lists and finding recipes, it’s there to help. It can also provide information on current events, weather updates, and much more, making it an invaluable tool for managing your daily activities.

5. Coding Support

If you’re interested in app development, start with ChatGPT by saying, “मैं Uber जैसा ऐप बनाना चाहता हूँ। मुझे स्टेप्स और कोड भी बताइए” (I want to build an app like Uber. Please provide the steps and code). This will help you understand the basic structure and requirements, and even generate initial code, saving time and effort. It enables individuals and smaller teams to build their own apps and startups faster without relying on expensive experts.

As AI continues to evolve, integrating these tools into our daily routines can lead to increased productivity and efficiency. Embracing AI assistants like ChatGPT is not just about keeping up with technology—it’s about enhancing our capabilities and simplifying our lives in meaningful ways.

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